New York

Apploi Makes Job Searches Quick and Convenient From Your Mobile Device

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Apploi is changing the way you apply for jobs!

Apploi is changing the way you apply for jobs!

As the holidays slowly become a distant memory, so does your temporary or seasonal job. It’s time to look for something to get you through the winter months. Apploi, an application for your smartphone or tablet is changing the entire scope of the job application and hiring process.

Apploi, a New York-based company, allows you to search for and apply to jobs within a short traveling distance without redirecting you to company websites (unlike job boards like Craigslist and CareerBuilder) to fill out tedious and lengthy questionnaires, ultimately saving you time and money. Plus, Apploi has multiple interactive features including video uploads, pictures and slides to improve your chances of landing your next job!

In addition to remaining on the site to apply for jobs, filling out applications is quick and painless when using their passport system, which allows you to upload and save information (avoiding the headache of constantly re-entering information), simply leaving you the option to update it when necessary. This feature is particularly useful to freelancers who work on a project-to-project basis as you can seamlessly explain lapses in employment or short-term/seasonal employment.

If you’re unsure where to start (or if you’re still not convinced that this app is amazing) you can also check out the Apploi Observer. A blog updated daily with news, facts, tips and information on finding a job, keeping a job, interview skills, expert advice, video testimonials from Apploi users and much more.

We checked out the website (and let’s be honest, applied for a few jobs) and noticed that employers generally ask for video submissions to get a better idea of applicants’ personalities. Although your job search will become easier, presentation has become much more important. Applying to jobs in your pajamas is not recommended. If you find yourself on the go (and with a limited data plan) you can also apply to jobs at Apploi iPad kiosks located in Harlem, Wall Street or at various 16 Handles locations (the Frozen Yogurt chain). Happy hunting and welcome to the Netflix of job searching.

A large portion of the jobs listed on the site are available in New York City, but the company is quickly expanding to the San Francisco and Oakland areas, as well. Apploi is currently available for download on Apple devices and will be available on Android devices in a couple of months. To get started on your search, download the app at

Apploi: Our Story

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Freddie Cosmo - Associate Debtitor

Freddie Cosmo - Associate Debtitor

Freddie Cosmo is a recording artist from Philadelphia, PA. living in New York City by way of Miami. He spent all his money on undergrad music school and feels as though he owes all musicians (and the universe for that matter) the most accurate information on how to be broke without giving up on their dreams. He would like to shamelessly invite you to check out his music at