financial advice

02 Apr 2014

Visit Urban Upbound for FREE Financial Advice in NYC

  In “News-That-Hardly-Qualifies-As-News-News”, New York City is still expensive as shit. Expert broke assess show little to no signs of this improving. Due to the financial climate of the city (and your bank account) it is absolutely crucial that you continue to utilize all available services and resources the city

Freddie Cosmo - Associate Debtitor 0
31 Oct 2011

How Not to Piss Away Your Money!

I am notorious for inadvertently wasting money. It is something that I am not proud of and I have to work very hard to change my bad habits. After learning some very hard lessons, here are some ways that I try not to piss away my money: 1. Do a

Brandi Jarath - Miss Parsimony 0
10 Oct 2011

Should You Own the Place Where You Rest Your Dome?

This is a tough question, particularly for city-dwellers. We have all heard the lessons our parents have taught us about the importance of home ownership, but let’s be real, we live in a very different time. The “American Dream” of owning a home, having 2.5 children, a dog and a

Brandi Jarath - Miss Parsimony 0
26 Sep 2011

Sending Your Kid to College on a Broke-ass Budget

Kids grow up faster than we want them to and college is not only essential for a great future, but it is a large part of the American dream. However, if you have been washing dishes, waiting tables, or just been broke most of your life and have struggled to

Brandi Jarath - Miss Parsimony 0