Arts and CultureBoozeEatsMusicSan Francisco

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I’m gonna be really real right now: the only thing that gets me wetter than fantasizing about making it with one of Marva Whitney’s back-up dancers is basking in the sun and eating some down home, backyard barbeque. You can imagine my reaction, then, when I heard about Hard French, the new outdoor soul dance party happening the first Saturday of every month. Party hosts DJ Carnita and DJ Brown Amy spin classic soul hits in the midday sun '“ and they do it real vinyl, not from their iPods like some stupid DJ AM shit. And here’s the kicker that made me cream: for just $10, you get access to this party plus all-you-can-eat barbeque and all-you-can-drink beer. It’s a broke-ass bonanza!

The party is held at El Rio. I’ll be honest: I’m on the fence about a lot of gay bars. I mostly love them because the drinks are stiff and the thrills are cheap. But a lot of times, they can be a Lady Gaga, STD, weird anal bead chandelier bummer. While Hard French prides itself on attracting a sexually ambitious/ambiguous kind of crowd, this party is by no means gross orgy with a bunch of homos. It’s about hard dancing, hard soul, and Hard Frenching. If you’re gay '“ great. If you’re straight '“ that’s okay too. And if you’re neither, there’s always the barbeque.

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Rebecca Pederson - Cheap Date

Rebecca Pederson - Cheap Date

Rebecca graduated from UC Santa Cruz with a degree in Literature, but she tells everyone she majored in Psychology so they don't ask her for book recommendations. She likes coffee, pickles, free yoga classes, and spends a lot of time with her dog.