George Carlin

22 May 2012

Don’t You Just Hate Going To The Dentist?

I like to believe that I maintain a serene nature. If I don’t like something, I choose to stay away from it and refuse to talk about it in a negative manner. However, there are three things in this world that I truly despise. I don’t like to hate anything,

Enrique Grijalva - Mr. Minimum Wage 0
02 Oct 2011

Top 5 Netflix Shows You’re Not Watching

During my stint as an unemployed person, I, perhaps stupidly, signed up for Netflix after years of holding out. I was an old-school Netflix user, back when the company’s offerings were strictly limited to DVDs by mail. But in my shrewd poverty, I chose to eliminate that service when I

Sarah M. Smart - Red-Light Special 0