Taste Dosa-Inspired Dishes and then Make Them at Home

I need to make this at home! NEED!
It almost sickens me how obsessed I am with food. I almost want to make my friends submit me as a subject for “Intervention,” but I feel like that would be a little selfish. Anyway, one of my favorite restaurants in San Francisco, which I save for special occasions, is Dosa, Southern Indian cuisine at its finest. I notice a not-so-subtle pattern in my posts of the last month, the maintext (pretty sure that’s a real word) being, “Hey, learn to cook for Christy so she’ll date you!” and the subtext being, “Hey, learn to cook some things you might not know exactly how to yet!” Either way I’m pretty sure you win.
Anyway, Chef Anjan Mitra, owner and chef of the Dosa restaurants located on both Fillmore and Valencia Streets, will be giving a FREE cooking demonstration and tasting at Bloomingdales downtown tomorrow. If you’ve been to Dosa, you know how amazing the food is. If you haven’t been, even better because that means you haven’t spent an arm and a leg to eat (admittedly delicious) dosas that you may be able to cook yourself after this event. It would really impress your girlfriend…trust me.
Demonstration and Tasting by Dosa Chef Anjan Mitra at Bloomingdales Saturday, November 6, 2pm 845 Market Street [Union Square]
Photo courtesy of Yelper Jenny L.