DIY: How to Have a Clothing Swap
It’s time to GET IN your friends’ closets…
Tired of the same old five outfits you’ve been wearing these days? It’s time to spice up your wardrobe in a way even a broke-ass like you can afford. Dip into your best friends’ closets while you clean out your own at the same time! Swapping – a funky, fun form of barter – allows you to get something new for something old (or maybe even something silver for something gold!) without spending a dime.
Follow these steps for throwing your own clothing swap party – turning your wardrobe into a million bucks for FREE:
- Clean out your closet and go through your drawers to pull up those items of clothing you just can’t seem to get rid of. If you haven’t worn it in over a year, it’s got to go.
- Send an email to all of your friends telling them to do the same.
- Pick a date for the swap and choose a location for the event.
- Make sure the crowd is diverse in order to get a full array of styles.
- Make rules for the swap (for example: everyone gets one ticket for each item they bring, meaning they can leave with the same number of items they brought to swap.
The Event
- Ask everyone to drop of their items on a table once they arrive.
- Someone will need to be in charge of hanging it up and arranging the clothes.
- Use a first come, first serve policy to determine who can choose first.
- Serve some snacks and drinks to tide the swappers over until it is their turn.
- Make sure there is a place for people to try on clothes – a changing room is essential.
- Regulate any cat-fights that might blow up over that one “hot” item.
- Set up sewing machines to alter clothing to fit.
- You can even have a fashion show to show off modified items!

"Oh Betty, my dress looks SO good on you!"
The Leftovers
- Decide if unclaimed items go to scroungy swappers or to charity.
- Find a way get excess items to the Goodwill or Salvation Army
- Strut your new styles out on the town and tell everyone you know about swapping.
- Be proud of your “green-ness” of re-using old clothes instead of purchasing new ones – therefore cutting down Carbon emissions.

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