How to Accidentally Email like a “Nigerian Prince” Who Has $90 Million For You
The other day I tried to reach out to a wine company called Broke Ass Wine. I figured it would be a perfect brand to partner with and maybe they could sponsor some of my events. After a little research I found out they were based in Argentina so I decided to email them.
My spoken Spanish is pretty good. I grew up on the border of Mexico and I’ve navigated six or seven Spanish speaking countries with no problems at all. Sitting down to email Broke Ass wine though I realized how much more difficult it is to write a second language than it is to speak it.
What I ended up sending was pretty much exactly what ends up in your spam box every day. My limited written Spanish allowed me to send a message that basically said:
Hello. I’m sorry, my Spanish is not very good. I have a great business opportunity for you. I have a very popular website called in California and since you make Broke Ass Wine I think we can make much business together. I would like to talk about this more with you. Please email back.
Once again, I apologize for my Spanish. Does anyone there speak english?
After sending the email I realized “Holy shit. That was the most spam sounding email ever.” This has me wondering if maybe there actually is a prince in Africa somewhere who really does have $90 Million for me.