How to Become a Delegate and Help Bernie Sanders Win California

(image from Common Dream)
At best, the electoral process is confusing. At worst, it’s a labyrinthine ordeal that takes power out of the hands of the people and puts it in the hands of some weird motherfuckers like the electoral college, who can crown a president even if he or she gets less of the popular vote than their opponent. I’m looking at you George W. Bush.

“Yeah, I don’t really understand it either.” (image from Independent UK)
So it wasn’t until the other day that I found out that pretty much any of us can become delegates. Someone sent me a link to this Reddit post. If Bernie Sanders is to win the Democratic nomination, we need a whole bunch more people to become delegates and go to the State Convention to vote for Bernie. It can’t be overstated how important winning California is to Bernie getting the nomination.
The post breaks down which Congressional Districts need which gender of delegates, and then give you links to sign up up to be that person. The deadline is April 13th, so if you wanna get in on this do it ASAP!
We can win this with your help!
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