The Brown Jug Closes Permanently Because of Lots of Illegal Stuff

image from the the SF Bar Experiment
Another classic San Francisco dive bar bites the dust. This time though, it’s not because it was bought and turned into a fancy mustache bar, it’s because hella illegal shit was going down. If you’ve ever stepped foot into the Brown Jug though, this shouldn’t be a surprise.
Yesterday Hoodline reported that the Brown Jug was shuttered because an agent from the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC), was able to both sell stolen booze and buy cocaine at the Brown Jug. And the bartender facilitated the drug deal. From Hoodline:
The undercover agent was clear that the alcohol offered was stolen. In terms of drugs sales, the sale of cocaine to the undercover agent from a patron was facilitated by a bartender. Hirata also confirmed that the bar owner and multiple bartenders were involved in these transactions.
Not that any of this surprises me but, come on…really?
The Brown Jug has been a favorite of mine for many years. It’s always been a real motherfucking dive bar. I’ve sat there next to hustlers, conmen, all day drunks, and tellers of tall tales. But it’s also been full of regular neighborhood folks looking to play pool and get drunk for cheap. To put things in perspective, the Brown Jug recently made our list of 7 SF Bars to Cry in by Yourself.
Wild nights and strange stories come from the Brown Jug. It’s a shame to see it go. Read the whole story about its closing right here.
What are you wildest stories from the Brown Jug? Share them in the comments.