
Send Your Pussy(hat) to Washington!
If you can’t make it to the Women’s March on Washington on January 21st you can at least send your pussy…hat. The aptly named Pussyhat Project wants to collect over one million pink cat ear hats to keep marchers’ heads warm and their unapologetic support for all things feminine front and

How To Actually “Make America Great Again”
By Mar-Li Pitcher and Lauryn Petrie Red banners wave and the exuberant crowd’s cheers of “Make America Great Again” rise to the rafters. The working-class descendants of the Mayflower feel that they have finally found their king. Xenophobia and fear fuel their rabid enthusiasm. Meanwhile, outside, homeless people are having their

The Satanic Temple of NYC is Fighting For Your Liberty and Your Uterus
That’s right. Satan has come to Gotham, and I’m not talking about a comic book premise. Contrary to common misconceptions, The Satanic Temple doesn’t actually worship the devil, (or any deity for that matter), or even believe in Satan. So why put such a theologically controversial figure in the title

5 Things to Do with Your Feminine Rage for Good
A few weeks ago, I wrote 5 Things You Can Do with Your Feminine Rage. It was, in its way, meant to skirt the line between humor and reality. I did feel Feminine Rage, quite regularly, and not just in regards to the election season or the Stanford rape case

Voting To Protect Your Tenants Rights in San Francisco
The Association of Realtors has poured hundreds of thousands into funding two sneaky measures, which aim to trick San Franciscans into handing over big profits to developers. Housing Attorney Daniel Wayne explains all

What to do When Someone is Having a Mental Health Crisis on the Street
Justin Keller’s absurd, entitled, whiny, anti-homeless rant got me thinking about this. Not long ago I was walking near Church and Market and suddenly there was a bunch of hubbub behind me. You know what I’m talking about, it’s not loud and raucous but there’s some kind of disturbance that sets