Bitchy Waiter

Stop Dragging Waiters and Waitresses on Yelp!
The online review platform known as Yelp first slithered onto the Internet all the way back in 2004. Britney Spears and Paris Hilton were the reigning queens of pop culture at the time and people were still poking each other and throwing sheep on Facebook. There are almost 200 million

Why Are Restaurants So Expensive Now?
Maybe you’ve noticed that going out to eat in a restaurant is more expensive than it ever used to be. The last time inflation was this high in our country, people were still talking about who shot J.R. (Dallas was a top TV show in 1982 and J.R. Ewing was

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Working in a Restaurant Should Be Required for Every Single Citizen
The world would be a much more empathetic planet if people were able to put themselves into the shoes of others. More specifically, if people put themselves into the ugly, non-slip shoes of their server, maybe customers would be a bit more understanding when their well-done strip steak takes a

The 10 Most Disgusting Things Ever Seen at a Buffet Restaurant
Buffet restaurants are world-renowned for their endless supply of delicacies from mashed potatoes to meatloaf to chocolate meringue pie. Diners can return to the steam table and scoop pile upon pile of food onto their plates even though they have absolutely no intention of eating all of it. People tend

The Real Reasons Restaurants Are Short Staffed
Unless you’ve been living under a Covid-free rock for the last 18 months you’ve probably heard there’s a serious shortage of restaurant workers in this country. It seems that after years of customers telling waiters and waitress to go get “real jobs,” that’s exactly what they did. The Bureau of

The 17 Jokes Your Server is Tired of Hearing
When some people go out to a restaurant, they suddenly think they’re a comedian auditioning for their own special on Netflix. They’ll reach into their dusty bag of Dad jokes and serve them up one after another. They think they’re channeling Kathy Griffin or Dave Chappelle when really they’re giving

The Six Most Annoying Things Restaurant Customers Do
It’s no surprise that a customer’s behavior can drastically influence how a server feels about that particular diner. When a group of servers were recently asked what customers do that servers consider annoying behavior, the servers questioned did not hold back. Bad Parenting So many moms and dads step over

It’s Not Your Imagination. Customers Are Worse Than Ever
It’s not easy working in a restaurant these days. In fact, it’s difficult working practically any customer service job because it seems that customers now are more insufferable than ever. The number of viral videos of customer meltdowns is a good indication that more and more customers are “losing it”