Brittany McComas - Sassy Lil' Biscuit

The One Thing You Need To Make Your Relationship Work
Bold statement, right? Don’t worry. You aren’t reading click-bait. Having written a tell-all detailing some of those lovely, torrid and beautiful times – the innermost part of me wanted to reach out to others to simply explain the one thing you need in any relationship, and why it is so

Sexual Positions Guys Think Are ‘Awesome’ But They Are Actually Terrible
Guys, we know you love the thought of getting creative in the bedroom. Somehow you just never do. Unlike you, the ladies have a harder time coming to climax. Simply because sex, for us, is about a balance of passion and the right position. We want to be mentally and

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

The Best Ways to Poison Your Ex-Lover
This isn’t an easy task, because the moment you Google “poison”, you’ll just get some wiki post about the American rock band or Bel Biv Devoe’s hit song from 1990. So, I’m here to tell you exactly how to get the job done right…with a bit of style.

10 Things To Know Before Having Sex In A Burger King Bathroom
Stop what you’re doing, cause I’m about to ruin the image and style that you’re used to… when it comes to public sex. Before you get crazy with your girl with the boom in the Burger King bathroom, there’s a few things you should know. While you may think public sex

Election 2016: What Really Happened
My heart sank when I woke up today and looked at my phone. I cried softly in my bed when I looked at the results of the election. Not the Presidential election. The House and Senate. I got on Facebook dreading what my feed was going to look like. The

Cocks Not Glocks: University of Texas Students Protest With Dildos
Yeah, you read that title right. Dildos. University of Texas students took to campus on the first day of classes carrying dildos. Lots of big ol’ fat dildos – in protest of a conceal and carry law that allows guns on campus. Students against guns on campus organised one hella

Gloriously Insane Excuses Men Give To Get Out Of Dates
“Only I could get stood up by a man who has eight cats. Yep. Eight.” My hilarious dating life has been the subject of not only one insane book Hope You Have An Amazing Birthday…And Get Raped By A Bear, but also a dating column, two very sassy blogs, and loads

Most Affordable European Countries to Travel to This Summer
How do I know this? Because I just damn did it! I just came home from three glorious months in Europe. So, where should you go this summer on the cheap!? Italy By far my favourite place in Europe at the moment. Why? 2 Euro wine. Yep. That’s $2.19