Carrie Laven - Pretty Penniless

Broke-Ass Style: The Secret to Happiness is in Your Pants
These are my resort-themed Mom capris: They’re covered in colorful hibiscus-print, and have the names of exotic locales like “Martinique” and “St. Lucia” stamped all over them, in a font that can only can be described as “Tiki-esque.” They’re high-waisted and saggy-legged and cut at the most unflattering part of

In Search of a Sugar Daddy
Listen, I’m a simple girl with simple needs. As long as I can scour my local Salvation Army for ill-fitting ethnic print dresses and eat a burrito at least once a week, I am pretty much satisfied. But lately, times have gotten tough. This girl is horribly underemployed, and my–

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

FREE Pilates Classes on the Hudson River
Wanna work on your beach bod, or at least get healthy and stuff? Well, you’re in luck– every Tuesday evening between now and the end of August, there will be FREE pilates classes in Riverside Park. Strengthen that core while taking in the beauty of the Hudson River, y’all. The

Broke-Ass Style: Become a Cult Leader
Recently, I plopped down onto my couch to watch the Martin Scorcese documentary about vintage babe George Harrison, titled George Harrison: Living in the Material World. I noticed two things, the first of which being that my dad looks scarily like Eric Clapton:

Phone Home at a FREE Showing of E.T.– This Thursday Under the Brooklyn Bridge
Summer in New York City means many things to me: rooftop BBQs, beach trips, pit-stained white tops. It also means FREE movie screenings in DUMBO’s Brooklyn Bridge Park, which are pretty much the highlight of my summer. Set against the gorgeous backdrop of the glittering Manhattan skyline, the park’s Movies

The Weird Girl’s Guide to the Working World
My friend and I have this ongoing joke in which he always tells me that he’ll “never hire me for anything.” Let me explain a little better. I do the stupid/awkward/unlucky things that I always do– open a bag of Cheetos with a little too much force that causes them

Broke-Ass Fun: Become an Astrology-Obsessed Nutcase
At an art show the other day, I met a princely man in a pea green windbreaker, tribal print backwards baseball hat, and turquoise necklace. I knew that we would get along, and not just because he was channeling a nature walk-loving Will Smith circa Fresh Prince of Bel Air-slash-

Coming to Terms with Your Daddy Issues
Okay, actually, I mean my daddy issues. And I don’t mean all of that psychological hoo-ha about abandonment and male authority figures or whatever. I’m talking about having the hots for guys in khakis and Hawaiian shirts. As soon as I see a strapping twentysomething in the same outfit that