Daisy Rawcliffe - Vafrous Vagabond

06 Nov 2013

Why Painting Your Bedroom Wall Black Can Save You from Contact Dermatitis.

First, if you actually suspect you have contact dermatitis, stop reading. Don’t pick up a paintbrush. Seek medical attention. Thank you. But if allergic skin rashes are more of a general fear rather than an immediate threat, here is a story for you. It started with a moldy couch. Just

Daisy Rawcliffe - Vafrous Vagabond 0
29 Oct 2013

10 Really Stupid Ways To Save Money.

Because, sometimes, stupid decisions and warped logic are the essence of thriftiness: 1) Go commando. Is giving up underwear going to save you on laundry bills? No. But if you have a dangerous shopping habit, here’s one way to get rid of it: “Ooo look at those jeans… maybe I should

Daisy Rawcliffe - Vafrous Vagabond 0
06 Dec 2024

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!

Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
23 Oct 2013

PHOTOS: Cheap Halloween At Its Finest.

My neighborhood is broke-ass to a tee. Around here, we live for Free-Detergent-Tuesdays and $2 pizza. Walk down Knickerbocker with twenty one-dollar bills, and you can find a different 99c store to spend each one of them. But if you think austerity measures mean no grand displays of frivolous, transitory fun, then

Daisy Rawcliffe - Vafrous Vagabond 0
18 Oct 2013

My 13 Favorite Okcupid Messages

The online dating profile is gone. Sad. And not at all sad. But we had some good times, that profile and me. Or at least a hell of a lot of laughs. My page was decently written. Which, by Okcupid standards, just means that my answer to “what I’m doing

Daisy Rawcliffe - Vafrous Vagabond 0
11 Oct 2013

The Cheapest Dates in New York City

Let me begin by clarifying: when I say “cheap dates”, I do not mean people. Any guy who clicked on this in hope of discovering a list of people who wear panties with easy access labels, stop reading. Go hold open some doors or reach stuff off top shelves and

Daisy Rawcliffe - Vafrous Vagabond 0
03 Oct 2013

Best Places for Cheapskates to Meet People Who Aren’t Cheapskates.

Cross economic divides and magic can happen… I’m a cheapskate. So are most of my friends. But sometimes, conversations about how crazy it is that the price of the supermarket toilet roll has gone up 50c get boring. I don’t want to sell my soul to someone who’ll take me

Daisy Rawcliffe - Vafrous Vagabond 0
26 Sep 2013

Things All Twenty-Somethings Should NOT Know (And I Definitely Don’t).

In the last few days, I’ve stumbled across at least five articles entitled “things all twenty-somethings should know”. And I’ve hated all of them. It’s not just that they’re patronizing, or saccharine, or written by someone who is sickeningly smug in the knowledge that one day we’ll all end up

Daisy Rawcliffe - Vafrous Vagabond 0
20 Sep 2013

Hate the Gym? Get Fit for Cheap Without It

I have an issue with the gym. Every time I walk into its dry, conditioned air, and see all the people running on their hamster tracks, all I can think is “THIS IS SO FUCKING UNNATURAL. Why are people doing this?” Well, except when I used to go to my

Daisy Rawcliffe - Vafrous Vagabond 0