Jake Warren

Little Miss Bay Area Fault Lines
Mr. Worry: the San Andreas Fault The title of Mr. Worry goes to the San Andreas Fault, since he worries the whole state of California. The San Andreas is arguably the world’s most famous fault. It leveled Los Angeles with a fictional M9.9 in 1974’s cleverly-titled Earthquake. Casualties included characters

Being the “Gay Uncle” Means…
Family is complicated. There are no small parts, only small players. Although it didn’t feel like it at the time, being the black sheep put you ahead of the game. You were gifted with a clarity you knew would be useful someday, but how? For what? To whom? You know

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Sex Shop Owner to Run for Oakland City Council
Nenna Joiner is running for councilmember of Oakland’s District 4, a combination of hills and flatlands, wealth and wage workers. District 4 is home to an inarguably diverse voting range. It includes Montclair, Redwood Heights, Laurel, Glenview and the Dimond District, with California State Route 13 running up the middle.

What Is Queer Pain? Understanding April Dawn Alison
Are we ready to take on queer pain? Throughout the latter half of the twentieth century, Oakland artist and resident April Dawn Alison took a series of self-portraits on Polaroid film in voluminous cocoa wigs and rouge lips, in a PVC skirt and color-matched pumps, in bondage. The massive compilation

Why I Love SF City Clinic
SF City Clinic knows you’re a competent, sexually active person. If you aren’t, they’ll kindly show you how to change that. Angelic humans work there. Where public education dropped the ball on sexual education, City Clinic picks it up. They anticipate your awkwardness, gently encouraging you to ask about anything.

What the Monkeypox Outbreak Means for You
Monkeypox is here, and it’s making us forget the most shaping factor of our lives: we are all reflections of each other. Who we are and what we make represents our ideas of what is well and unwell. How we see ourselves and how we feel about our health creates

Straight Men, Sucking D*ck Does Not Make You Gay
Cheers to the straight guys who have fooled around with me. I think of you from time to time, and I hope you’re well. You’re an integral part of my adolescence and early college years. I share our memories (anonymously, of course) with my gay friends to convivial laughter. They

We’re All Going To Die
Jennifer Lawrence’s character screamed it at her interviewers for downplaying a comet headed towards Earth in Netflix’s Don’t Look Up. Raja said it with wonder in her eyes during a commencement speech for the queens of All Stars 7. It’s one of Homer’s favorite sayings on The Simpsons, as well