Michele DeBella - Cheap Chick

02 Apr 2013

Payphones as History Project in NYC

  Every once in a while, New York drops its guard for a sec and squeals “Pay attention to me!” We, her residents, sometimes forget that we are only the incredibly hip, disaffected cynics we are because she allows us to be. But, like any other living being, she occasionally

Michele DeBella - Cheap Chick 0
19 Mar 2013

Treat Your Feet in Chinatown, NYC

Despite the calendar that indicates that spring is arriving this week, New York is clutching on to winter as tight as Times Square tourist holds on to his wallet. All this recent slushy snow and ass-whooping wind that bounces off the city’s concrete and creeps through my layers of goose

Michele DeBella - Cheap Chick 0
27 Dec 2024

I Need To Get Real With You for a Minute

I need your help to keep BrokeAssStuart.com going. In 2024, we wrote over 800 articles and published over 4,000 social media posts serving the San Francisco Bay Area. We’ve covered striking workers, fine artists, corrupt politicians, fantastic drag performers, colorful weirdos, cherished small businesses, and the vital news that the

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
05 Mar 2013

Chasing the Perfect Hairstylist in New York

One of my most vivid childhood memories is of me standing in front of a mirror in my dining room, alternately laughing hysterically and then bursting into tears. I was confused and unable to reel in my emotions, and the image of myself sobbing in the mirror only made me

Michele DeBella - Cheap Chick 0
19 Feb 2013

Get Steamy in Koreatown’s Juvenex Spa

Since I’m not equipped to quantum leap into the tropical Caribbean warmth, nor will I shell out the dough for a pricey health club, I turn elsewhere for warmth on days like today, with the temperature in the teens and an icy wind ready to whip at your eyeballs and

Michele DeBella - Cheap Chick 0
05 Feb 2013

The Life of an Improv Wife

In the belly of a dark theater in Queens, an audience member shouts, “Fortune!” In response, seven grown men, ranging in age and style of dress, move together in synchronous motions. Gazing into crystal balls fluidly morphs into the movement of surgeons snapping on sterile gloves. Now they’re floating on

Michele DeBella - Cheap Chick 0
22 Jan 2013

Bare the Musical: Teens Bare All–To Music Off-Broadway

Sex and drugs, and the looming threat of eternal damnation—all set to music—pretty much sums up “Bare,” the rock musical that explores the complicated issues of identity, peer pressure, and hormonal teen angst. The story revolves around Catholic boarding school classmates Jason (Jason Hite) and Peter (Taylor Trensch), who fall

Michele DeBella - Cheap Chick 0
08 Jan 2013

The Broke-Ass Middle Class

The first time I felt like a New Yorker was subtle but significant. It happened when I went out to buy ice cream and refused, for the first time, to walk the extra two blocks to the next bodega, where the ice cream was cheaper by a dollar. Finally lulled

Michele DeBella - Cheap Chick 0