Sheilah Villari - Dollar Bin Darling

12 Jan 2016

Remembering Bowie : A Video Playlist

The news of David Bowie’s passing hit me much harder than I expected. It wasn’t quite like when Joe Strummer died and I was inconsolable crying on the bathroom floor but it resonated. I would never say I was/am an expert or a super fan of Bowie, but this didn’t feel

Sheilah Villari - Dollar Bin Darling 0
08 Dec 2015

Joe’s Pub Presents: Women of Letters (NYC)

Last month the wonderful Co-Producer (Trish Nelson) of Women of Letters at Joe’s Pub had me as her guest. I wasn’t at all prepared for what I would experience and be apart of that night.  The show brings 6 women from all backgrounds to share letters they have written for

Sheilah Villari - Dollar Bin Darling 0
06 Dec 2024

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!

Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
21 Oct 2015

It’s ‘Bake’ To The Future Day

Commemorating Back II The Future Day, the day Marty McFly arrives in the Future 10/21/15. There is Bake to the Future. Tons of Back to the Future themed cookies by Sweet Petite

Sheilah Villari - Dollar Bin Darling 0
05 Aug 2015

Artist You Should Know: Jeff Manley

Jeff Manley has been a cartoonist since he first learned what it meant to be a cartoonist. For the past 15 years Jeff has been chasing the dream of professional cartooning. Often overlooked, he keeps drawing. Not looking for attention or fame, just drawing for the love of drawing.   “Guido

Sheilah Villari - Dollar Bin Darling 0
30 Jul 2015


I got to hang out with comedy duo Kris Acimovic and Laura Grey aka ‘CrazyBitch/CrazyPussy‘ in Union Square a few days ago. These ladies are as funny off the stage as they are on. Their sharp wit and endearing modesty made them an absolute joy to chat with. I came

Sheilah Villari - Dollar Bin Darling 0
24 Jul 2015

Clueless Tourist Complaints : New York City Edition

Central Park – “Just some grass and trees”
Its just grass, trees, overpriced cafes. Surrounded by buildings in a square. Filmed from a helicopter it might be interesting, but you will not be able unless you have military permission. Booring.

Sheilah Villari - Dollar Bin Darling 0
20 Jul 2015

The Funniest/Cutest Craigslist Missed Love Connections in NYC

One of my favorite past times is pursuing the Missed Connections section. It can be funny, heartwarming, scary and everything in between. When I lived in Greenpoint I regularly took the L train. One of my good pals I would refer to it as the Love Train as he always

Sheilah Villari - Dollar Bin Darling 0
15 Jul 2015

10 Iconic Foods Invented or Perfected in New York

My best friend came to visit a few weeks ago and he had never been to New York City. I panicked as to how to fit in a full experience in just a few days. Then I realized the best way to submerge yourself in any new place is through

Sheilah Villari - Dollar Bin Darling 0