Sheilah Villari - Dollar Bin Darling

Femsplaining: a Safe Space for Women Online
After a few weeks of chasing I was finally able to catch the brains behind the new lady-centric website Femsplain. Amber Gordon is leading the charge for a site that is for women by women and just wrapping a successful Kickstarter for the site. Femsplain creates a safe environment for

Ello: Ad-Free Empowerment in the Era of Social Networking
Yesterday Stuart invited me to try out a Beta version of this new site Ello. My knowledge went no further than a pal mentioned he had applied to join. I thought that sounded rather official for a social networking site, so I decided to investigate. Ello was started in early

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Umano: Finally An App Worth Listening To
Facebook has recently decided to inundate us with forced and annoying advertisements for Apps. I’m intrigued by maybe two of out every ten because most look pretty useless. When I do decide to take a chance it never ends well. They are usually overly complicated or are trying to be

Goodbye Smithfield NYC, A Fantastic Sports Bar
When I moved to NYC from Virginia the first mission was to find a pub for Premier League matches. I was lucky enough to be introduced to two by way of the NY Reds. But there was something about Smithfield that felt like home. In Virginia I had a family

Holiday Presents: Think Outside the Gift-Wrapped Box
The holidays are upon us again and thus the panic of purchasing the perfect gifts for our loved ones has nestled its way into our being. Fear not I’ve got a few suggestions to take the weight off of both your minds and your wallets. Buying gifts can be daunting

How to Throw A Broke-Ass Superbowl Party
The Super Bowl is upon us. If you plan on having your friends and family join you for this grand American tradition there will be many parties being thrown. But beyond the wings and the booze, here’s your quick cheap guide to throwing the best Broke Ass Superbowl Party. Let’s

Slipper Room: Ladies Night All Out
Before the holiday season I had the privilege of escorting one of my favorite artists to the Slipper Room. It had been ages since I had A) seen burlesque and B) seen good burlesque. My friend had not been since they remodeled their location (167 Orchard Street) to now include

Small Business Saturday, Shop Locally
One of the hardest things I’ve had to do with this move to Brooklyn from Virginia is change my allegiance to all my local shops; coffee, comics, pizza, pub, etc. I got really spoiled in my old neighborhood with having all of these pretty much on the same block and not having