Arts and CultureSan Francisco

2010 Maker Faire Bay Area and Bike Ride

The Bay's best newsletter for underground events & news

I love me some DIY, and this weekend is the 5th annual Maker Faire! The two-day DIY extravaganza is happening in San Mateo. How does one get San Mateo you say? Well, I don’t effing know, but lucky for you (if you have a bike) there is an organized ride there leaving from Dolores Park! The crew leaves at 8:30 Saturday morning for the 19 mile, fun and mostly flat ride!

The tickets to the fair aren’t the cheapest thing in the world, but a day pass is only $15 for students and if you can pass for someone under 12 then it’s only $10! Also, if you can pass for 12 that is both creepy and amazing, but may be the best money saving quality you possess. Congrats.

If you are into crafty do-it-yourself, awesome, fun and biking, then it looks like you have your Saturday all planned! Woot!

Maker Faire Bay Area and 2nd Annual Dolores Park To Maker Faire Social Ride
Saturday, May 22nd, 10AM to 8PM (Bike ride starts at 8:30)
San Mateo County Event Center
$25 for Adults, $15 for Students, $10 for Youth, Bike Ride FREE

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Alison Lambert - Half Price Headliner

Alison Lambert - Half Price Headliner

Ali was born and raised in the Wholesome/Creepy capital of the world, Salt Lake City, UT. Once she was old enough to blow that pop stand she escaped to the place that was the anti-SLC: The Peoples Gay-public of Drugifornia aka San Francisco (holla 30 Rock!). You can now find her throughout this glorious city slurping Pho and scheming with her best friend Pinky doing what they do every night; try and take over the world.