
13 Jul 2017

The Savior Of Horror : James Wan

By Jonas Barnes Back in 2004, a new director by the name of James Wan burst onto the horror scene with a film you may have heard of before called “SAW“. It started as a short and was eventually made into a genre launching low budget full-length horror film. With

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12 Jul 2017

I’m Willing to Endure Hell on Earth for a Dozen Krispy Kreme Donuts

My father once told me that there is no reward without risk. There is no glory in playing it safe; champions are the product of being willing to put it all on the line. I didn’t completely understand what this meant until I found out that this Friday, July 14th,

Jesse McGrath 0
11 Jul 2017

Growing Up Without a God. Diary of a Religious Tourist

By Hannah Harkness I had an unusual situation when it came to religion growing up. Both my maternal and paternal grandparents were in interfaith marriages. I had met kids in elementary school with one Christian parent and one Jewish parent before, but I still to this day haven’t met someone

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07 Jul 2017

In Defense of New York City’s Humidity

By Jesse McGrath Last weekend I was at Costco in Brooklyn, and if you have ever been to Costco on a Saturday, you know that it is basically a street fight with oversized shopping carts instead of switchblades. Costco on the weekend turns the simple act of being in public

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05 Jul 2017

5 Reasons Why You Should Read Trump’s Transcripts Instead of Watching Him

By Hannah Harkness  I’m what people call a Luddite. I’m shitty with technology. I’m not a snob who thinks not watching TV makes you better than other people, it’s just really not my thing. I genuinely don’t remember the last time I had a working TV and my laptops have

Guest Writer 0
29 Jun 2017

The Case for Aliens Living in the Ocean

By Hannah Harkness While I don’t claim to be an expert on Alien conspiracies and I wouldn’t consider myself a paranoid tinfoil hat wearer that knows the truth about everything, I have a theory that even the biggest skeptics don’t disagree with me on. If aliens are on earth and

Hannah Harkness 0
28 Jun 2017

Why You Should Wait Until Your 30’s To Do Drugs

High School and college are a terrible time to experiment with drugs. Wait until you’re in your 30’s. Your hangovers will be worse, but everything else will be better. Teenagers have no privacy or power. Humorless adults are notorious for barging into rooms unannounced. Parents and teachers demand attendance at

Kaytlin Bailey 0
27 Jun 2017

The Future of Horror Is Bright

By Jonas Barnes When I first laid eyes on “The Exorcist“, I shit my pants. Was it fear or was it the fact that I was a 6 year old? I guess we’ll never know the answer to that question. It did, however, set off a chain of events that

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