Arts and Culture

30 Jun 2010

Why the New Clipper Card is Good News for The Brokes

If you haven’t ridden any Bay Area public transit in a while (I know! It’s expensive these days, right?) you might have missed out on the billions of ads for the new one-card-to-rule-them-all transit pass system called Clipper. Apparently Clipper isn’t much more than a fancy focus-grouped version of Translink,

Andrew Dalton - Aggressive Panhandler 0
30 Jun 2010

Photos and Video from the June Pub Crawl

Ah yes…yet another kick ass pub crawl has come and gone.  I know it happened a few weeks ago, but I’m a busy motherfucker, so I just now got around to getting all this stuff organized. What can I say?  Despite how awesome it looks, it was even awesomer! We

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
30 Jun 2010

White Trash Heaven: Blingo and Frito Pie at Butter Tonight

I’m always looking for different things to do on weeknights other than, say, go straight home after work, have a glass of wine (or a bottle, depending on how much of a penis wrinkle my boss was being that day), order Big Lantern and fall asleep to reruns of The

Christy Jovanelly - Cheapskate Commentator 0
30 Jun 2010

FREE Underwater New York Reading

On Saturday, I biked from Williamsburg to the Intrepid, and I had to run through a nearby fountain as soon as I got to the boat so I could stop feeling like my skin was on fire. Even if you’re not doing cardio exercises outside, New York is approaching that

Kiley E - Ragamuffin Researcher 0
29 Jun 2010

The Time Dock Ellis Threw a No Hitter on LSD

I just loved this one so much, I had to repost it – Stuart Everyone’s all up in arms about baseball players using steroids and other athletes possibly using performance enhancing drugs, etc.  As someone who doesn’t care about baseball or any professional sport I really shouldn’t have an opinion

BAS Writers 0
29 Jun 2010

Outdoor Pool Season in NYC Starts TODAY

It is so, so hot in this city. Ninety and over temperatures this whole week; my inner Siberian is melting. I’m surprised anyone made it to work this morning. In fact, if they didn’t, people have a totally worthwhile and valid excuse. The city’s outdoor pools, which are free –

Polina Yamshchikov - Flirt Poor 0
29 Jun 2010

“Fuck the Fourth” Anarchist Book Sale

The last time there was an anarchist book sale in the Bay Area, the former vegan/currently pro-meat author of The Vegetarian Myth, Lierre Keith, got attacked with chili pepper-laced pies by a group of masked/hooded vegan anarchists. You can watch it here four times in a row (the audience does

Chloe - Pennywise Reporter 0
29 Jun 2010

Awesome/Dangerous Toys of My Childhood

I started to write this as “awesome toys from my childhood that happened to also be quite dangerous,” and realized that it was more a laundry list of the toys that my accident-prone brother has hurt himself with. He had an uncanny ability as a child to find the sharpest,

Alison Lambert - Half Price Headliner 0