
A beautiful view of Sonoma County
14 Mar 2023

How to Enjoy Sonoma Wine Country…Sober

“At first I found it to be a bit ironic living in Sonoma Wine Country sober, but I’ve come to realize that it’s all about your perspective.”

Kaitlyn Morrison 0
10 Mar 2023

Grab a Guinness, Saint Patrick’s Day Events Are Here

In San Francisco, Saint Patrick’s Day brings us some of the most fun events. You’ll find some traditional and not-so traditional ways to celebrate the holiday throughout the week. With rain in the forecast, I predict we see some epic poncho-filled pub crawls and maybe even a few folks trying

Katy Atchison 0
08 Mar 2023

I Didn’t Realize That Sonoma County was Hella Gay

Did you know that Sonoma County is home to one of the highest per capita populations of LGBTQIA+ peoples in the country? I sure didn’t!

Kaitlyn Morrison 0
06 Mar 2023

What I Learned From Traveling Cross Country on Amtrak

Prologue A few days ago I took a cross country train excursion from New York City to Norman, Oklahoma. The events leading up to the trip are varied, and frankly, none of your business. But for transparency sake two main points forced me to do this: my mother’s rapidly declining

Sonny Curtin 0
01 Mar 2023

Retrouvez sa Muse dans le quartier de NOPA

Cet article est dans l’esprit d’une lettre “Dear Abby” (une chronique utilisée dans la presse américaine basée sur des conseils), avec un accent sur des solutions sous la forme de plongées profondes dans des micro quartiers de San Francisco avec un itinéraire holistique centré sur la santé.

01 Mar 2023

Exploring SF: Muse Moments in NOPA

Micro SF neighborhood deep dives and curated holistic health-centered itineraries

07 Feb 2023

Could a Turkey Style Earthquake Happen in California?

Turkey’s tectonic predicament, responsible for the massive quake that struck Kahramanmaras at 4:17 Monday morning, looks awfully familiar.  The tectonic situation in Turkey nearly mirrors California’s. Similar mechanics are at work here. Our dominant faults shove landmasses past one another in opposing directions, much like theirs. The major difference is,

Jake Warren 0
02 Feb 2023

Sortir de l’ennui dans le couloir Parkside-Taraval

Cet article est dans l’esprit d’une lettre “Dear Abby” (une chronique utilisée dans la presse américaine basée sur des conseils), avec un accent sur des solutions sous la forme de plongées profondes dans des micro quartiers de San Francisco avec un itinéraire holistique centré sur la santé. Aide à la