Workers Rights

15 Aug 2023

Dozens of SF Cops Making $200K-$300K just in ‘Overtime Pay’

There is a police officer in SF who made $356,000 dollars last year just in “overtime pay”, and he’s not the Chief of Police, he’s a Sergeant in the Richmond District.  He made a total of $587,000 in the 2022/23 fiscal year, and he’s not much of an anomaly, there

27 Jul 2023

A Big Apartment Building Just for Teachers is Opening in the Mission!

A big ol’ buildin’, just for teachers has finally got approval AND funding in the Mission District. The nonprofit Mission Economic Development Agency (MEDA) secured the $12 million it needed to build some 63 affordable educator condominiums at the 2205 Mission St. site. That funding came through the Mayor’s Office

19 Jul 2023

The 150-Year History of Work from Home (and Why it Should Always Be a Choice)

First, a history lesson. Yet again, black women don’t get the credit they deserve. This time, its in the realm of working from home. Many laundresses, even before the genius of Clara Brown and all the way through WWII, saw an opportunity to make money AND stay at home. Starting

Curtis Conrad Schabath 0
30 Jun 2023

Can AI be Used to End Poverty?

By Josh Wolf  AI and UBI: A Glimpse into the Future of Wealth and Work In the not-so-distant future, imagine a world where artificial intelligence (AI) has become so advanced that it’s creating a colossal amount of wealth. This isn’t some sci-fi fantasy; it’s the vision of Sam Altman, co-founder and president of

21 Jun 2023

Rainbow Washing: The Problem with Pride-for-Profit in June

By now, most all y’all know Pride started as a riot in 1970, but most companies didn’t even recognize the existence of the LGBTQ+ community for another 3-4 decades. Thus the mid-aughts brought us pinkwashing, or what is now referred to as, rainbow washing. Essentially, it’s the performative-for-profit strategy and

Curtis Conrad Schabath 0
24 May 2023

Why We’re Pausing Our Netflix & Hulu Previews Until the WGA Strike is Over

Dear Broke-Ass Reader, This writer’s digest of the upcoming month’s offerings on Netflix and Hulu has been interrupted by the Writers’ Guild of America (WGA) strike. This interruption will continue until the strike is resolved, hopefully in the WGA’s favor.   To understand why this action was taken, this nice summation

17 May 2023

Sex Worker Film & Arts Fest Honors Founder Carol Leigh’s Legacy

This year’s festival is especially meaningful as it marks the first since the passing of the festival’s founder, Carol Leigh, aka “The Scarlot Harlot.” Leigh coined the term “sex worker” in the 1970s.

11 May 2023

SF History: Sex WORK In The City

COYOTE (Call Off Your Tired Old Ethics) was founded in San Francisco in 1973 by Margo St. James, a sex worker, who also co-founded St. James Infirmary Clinic in the Tenderloin. COYOTE’s main goals were decriminalization (as opposed to legalization) of sex work, pimping, and pandering, as well as the elimination of social stigma concerning sex work as an occupation. Its work is considered part of the larger sex worker movement for legal and human rights.

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