Arts and CultureNew York

It’s Time Again for No Pants

The Bay's best newsletter for underground events & news

January seems to summon everyone’s inner idiot in the the most glorious fashions. From drinking heavily at midnight on 1/1 to the Polar Bear club, everyone is stir crazy and willing to act on frivolous impulse. How else does one explain the yearly tradition of Improv Everywhere’s No Pants Subway Ride? Considering that it has lasted longer than most elected officials, who knows, but it’s certainly fun.

The quiet tradition of the stone-faced nudie-fest has humble beginnings but has grown into an international phenomenon where people from Amsterdam (I mean, duh) to Zurich strip to their skivvies on public transit. Rules are simple- no pants of any kind, and don’t crack up. Recommendations are to try not to use this as a singles mixer, because part of the fun of seduction is removing someone’s pants for them, and avoid too daring of an undergarment. While fun to say, banana hammocks are less fun to witness when you’re sitting on the six train at crotch level. Find a meeting point on the website, and enjoy your day sans trousers. It’ll be liberating.

No Pants Subway Ride
Citywide (Meeting Points on their Website)
January 9, 2011

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Dan Cerruti - 99 Cent Store Cowboy

Dan Cerruti - 99 Cent Store Cowboy

I've lived in New York all my life, and been a cheap ass for longer.