TODAY: FREE Lessons on Broke-Ass Living at Union Square
Today (that’s Wednesday – get with it), the Union Square Greenmarket will host an additional event called New Green City.
Brought to you by the non-profit GrowNYC, the all-day “FREE event full of action and dialogue” will feature various workshops on sustainability, urban farming, bike sharing, recycling, and even solar cooking. There will, in fact, be a solar cook-off… hmm… I would forgive you if you didn’t stick around for that.
And once you’ve learned everything there is to know about local food and cheapo sustainable living, (hopefully including how to even cook food if you can’t afford a stove) you can head on over to the LARGEST Greenmarket in these continental United States to stock up on produce for healthy living.
You can also take the opportunity to dispose of any recyclables that you just never really knew what to do with… like those shirts you felt uncomfortable donating the goodwill… or those old flip phones you accumulated in college.
The event is co-hosted by the New School (yeah… if you’re into that whole situation), Citibank (oh the horror! Except that they offer the bike sharing program… so kind of useful), and Sims Metal Management (I have no clue what that is… like actual metal? Or like… METAL!!!!). [Ed.’s Note: It’s actually a metal and electronic recycling company. *shrugs*]
There will be all sorts of community leaders present so if you need to hobnob in the sustainability circle and the eco-elite, this is your place to do it. Or you could just stop by to learn some healthy methods to cheap city living. There’s always plenty to go around.
New Green City
Wednesday Oct. 10th from 10 to 5pm
Union Square
[14 St. Union Square]
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