Chloe Newsom - Dive Bar Desperado

Dirty Bombs, Dinosaurs, and Rockstar Wars – The Life and Times of Trace Crutchfield
If you’re like me, and/or any kid that has dabbled in binge-drinking with a hip haircut in the past ten years, you’ve read or stared at a couple issues of VICE magazine. We’re all familiar with the zany shit they produce (from using semen as moisturizer, to launching their own everything channel,

A Scumbag’s Guide to Portland – The Final Chapter
Hi GUYS! It’s been a second. Sorry about the delayed finale to this series, but I’ve been travelling/hungover most days in the past month and I just really didn’t feel like doling out recommendations to you because there’s a part of me that thinks maybe I should clean up my act and calm down and put a halt to this raucous, unstable, indulgent, satanic party of a lifestyle.

A Scumbag’s Guide to Portland – Part 4
Yeah. With your dumb orange car. Hey cats and kittens, it’s that time again! Happy belated Memorial Day. Hope you’re still making out with a soldier you met last night, and eating leftover BBQing burgers, cooked in the name of our brave civil war heroes. It’s that blissful time of year when day-drunk

A Scumbag’s Guide to Portland – Part 3
Picture shamelessly stolen from Happy Monday my beautiful, sexy, hilarious rip city scumbags! If you’re one of the few PDeX’s that is unfortunate enough to be employed, chug some coffee and shake off the weekend, because it’s over now and your boss can totally tell you’re hungover and you

A Scumbag’s Guide to Portland – Part 2
Hey guys! It’s Monday, and that totally sucks, but guess what? That also means it’s time for the next segment of the Scumbag’s Guide to Portland, which, depending on how you feel about it, might not totally suck that much. This week covers the letters G through L, so tune in, turn

A Scumbag’s Guide to Portland – Part 1
Welcome to Never Never Land Portland: the city of food carts, strippers, ex-junkies, current junkies, bike messengers, craft beer, babes, and bars. This fantastic little real-life version of Never Never Land is both beautiful and charming, though sometimes it’s not hard to see why the kids drinking 40s mid-afternoon in San Francisco’s Dolores Park