Tiara Francis - NY Know-it-all

Make Some Noise at Make Music Winter on Wednesday –
The organizers of Make Music NYC have been known for fete-ing the first day of summer with a smorgasborg of live music in public places for the past six years, but they’re adding to their repetoire this year with Make Music Winter on Wednesday, December 21st. With 12 different musical

Cabaret Cinema, Fridays at the Rubin Museum of Art
New York City is full of big name art institutions – the Met, MoMA, the Guggenheim – but, it pays (or saves) to check out smaller gems like the Rubin Museum. Dedicated to historical and contemporary Himalayan and Buddhist art, the Rubin is a nice little retreat from the fast

Share Your Story at The Moth StorySLAM at Housing Works on Tuesday
If your idea of a fun night is standing on stage while people judge you, then head to The Moth StorySLAM at Housing Works on Tuesday night. StorySLAM is like a poetry slam without all the verses, just plain old funny, tragic, ironic human stories. Here’s how it works: Anyone

“Reyka Presents: Iceland Wants to Buy You a Drink” Open Bar Tonight
Open bars are the adult equivalent of being a kid in a candy store -albeit a boozy, occasionally overcrowded candy store. But, after you maneuver your way through the fray, and finally get your hands on an ice-cold free drink (maybe two if you double-fist it to optimize the open

Broke-Ass Band Interview: Amy LaVere Tonight at Joe’s Pub
Armed with a standing bass and a voice that swings easily from a raspy blues purr, to a clear, dulcet alto, Amy LaVere commands the stage. Amy brings a range of experiences – moving around the country as a “General Motors brat,” roles in Black Snake Moon and Walk the

Smart Wine-Shopping at Harlem Vintage
‘Tis the season of endless parties – it’s not even Decemeber, yet, and I already have three holiday celebrations, two birthday parties, and one housewarming to attend – and it’s expected that I bring some refreshments to all of them. I keep my busy, booze-filled schedule affordable by going to

FREE Stenciling and Drinks for Stencil 201 Book Launch Tonight!
If you engaged in any of these Black Friday alternatives, then you know that there are better ways to check off names on your holiday gift-giving list than fighting over the last sweater with a 20% markdown. Coming up with gifts for others, or a nice treat for yourself, can