BAS Pride

Gay Men Can Have Toxic Masculinity Too
Thanks to a clever new ad campaign the topic of toxic masculinity is on many people’s lips. The Gillette commercial shows ‘real men’ grilling, being bullies, objectifying women, everything you imagine toxic masculinity to look like. Except for the fact that the men in the ad are all presented as

The Drag Queen Nanny Your Kids Will Love, Miz Diamond Wigfall
There is no shortage of drag queens in NYC. You can’t throw a rock without hitting some twink in a dress thinking he’s got what it takes to shantay down the runway just because he’s seen every season of Ru Paul’s Drag Race while practicing YouTube makeup tutorials. There’s a

Meet The Bob Ross of Drag Queens- Gina Tonic
There is no shortage of drag queens in NYC. You can’t throw a rock without hitting some twink in a dress thinking he’s got what it takes to shantay down the runway just because he’s seen every season of Ru Paul’s Drag Race while practicing YouTube makeup tutorials. There’s a

The Hostess with the Mostess, Tammy Spenks. NYC Drag Queen of the Week
There is no shortage of drag queens in NYC. You can’t throw a rock without hitting some twink in a dress thinking he’s got what it takes to shantay down the runway just because he’s seen every season of Ru Paul’s Drag Race while practicing YouTube makeup tutorials. There’s a

Meet the drag queen turning garbage into gorgeous
There is no shortage of drag queens in NYC. You can’t throw a rock without hitting some twink in a dress thinking he’s got what it takes to shantay down the runway just because he’s seen every season of Ru Paul’s Drag Race while practicing YouTube makeup tutorials. There’s a

The Sex-Positive Muppet Drag Queen of New York
There is no shortage of drag queens in NYC. You can’t throw a rock without hitting some twink in a dress thinking he’s got what it takes to shantay down the runway just because he’s seen every season of Ru Paul’s Drag Race while practicing YouTube makeup tutorials. There’s a

NYC Drag Queen Of The Week – Bella Noche
There is no shortage of drag queens in NYC. You can’t throw a rock without hitting some twink in a dress thinking he’s got what it takes to shantay down the runway just because he’s seen every season of Ru Paul’s Drag Race while practicing YouTube makeup tutorials. There’s a