BAS Pride

14 May 2018

Hit a Home Run with NYC’s Gay Softball League

For as much social progress that’s been made there is still little to no LGBTQ representation in major sports. It wasn’t until 2014 that Jason Collins became the first openly gay athlete to play in the NBA and later that year Michael Sam became the first openly gay player drafted

Joe DeLong - NYC Editor 0
08 May 2018

NYC Drag Queen of the Week- Shuga Cain

  There is no shortage of drag queens in NYC. You can’t throw a rock without hitting some twink in a dress who thinks he’s got what it takes to shantay down the runway just because he’s seen every season of Ru Paul’s Drag Race while practicing YouTube makeup tutorials. There’s a

Joe DeLong - NYC Editor 0
22 Aug 2016

Mets Host First NY Sports Gay Pride Night

Met fans love donning their orange and blue, but last Saturday night at Citi Field they threw in some red, yellow, green and purple. Add in plump wieners, a few balls and some steamy humidity, and baby you’ve got a big gay baseball stew goin’. Benefiting the LGBT Network and their anti-bullying Safe Schools

Allyson Wolff, Future Multi-Thousandaire 0
25 Jun 2015


Rad Upcoming NY Events PAT PRIDE THU. 06/25 | 10:00PM – 4:00AM @ UNION POOL Best known for her bands Le Tigre, JD Samson is starting on a new party called, PAT. The party will focus on good vibes, good sound, video projection by local video artists and DJ’s that aren’t afraid to

illyannam 0
24 Jun 2015

BAS Pride 2015: The 2015 Bi-BQ, Pride Night @ Comix Experience & FREE Tickets To Hard French Los Homos V w/ ESG

  Well queers, we are already mid-week of this year’s rainbow tour and about knee deep in plenty of gay-ass shit to do. If you are, by chance looking for something to do on the way to the Milk Club and 48 Hills joint happy hour (because you would never

Stephen Torres - Threadbare-Fact Finder 0
17 Jun 2015

BAS Pride 2015- Hanky Code: The Movie in SoMa Wednesday (6/17)

Ah, the hanky: Our community’s polychromatic tradition of flagging the way we like to fuck. Being a perv and a nerd, I’m obviously a fan, with it’s origins supposedly going back in the mists of time to square dances full of randy forty-niners and wayward sailors out for a hot

Stephen Torres - Threadbare-Fact Finder 0