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The XXXFiles: Agent Mulder’s Secret Porn Obsession
The X-Files. What can you say about it? It changed TV forever. How many shows can you think of right now that have been influenced by it? It has become an integral part of 90’s nostalgia and a landmark in Television history. X-File fans know of a running joke through the first

Books from Banned Countries Part 2: Iraq
Click here to read “Books From Banned Countries Part I: Iran“ Some places have attained an almost mythical space within their communities. When the community is made of up of avid readers, specifically ones of Arabic literature, al-Mutanabbi Street in Baghdad is a popular hangout. Quite by chance, this piece will run

The Best Bathrooms To Shit For Free In NYC
By: Jonas Barnes If you’re surprised I’m writing an article about where to take the best free shits in NYC, we need to get to know one another better. If you know me, writing about taking a good free shit makes as much sense as me writing about being fat.

Books from Banned Countries Part 1: Iran
Enemy In Translation: Iran American’s aren’t known for their appreciation for foreign cultures. From certain states demanding that everyone speak English, to the lack of foreign films on streaming platforms. Most American’s are definitely nationalists when it comes to art. So, it should come as no surprise that books by foreign authors are

The Real Freaks of Coney Island
People move to New York for a lot of reasons. Work, curiosity, boredom, a burning desire to be the best damn subway mime in the fucking country… all sorts of things call out to people. For me, one of the things that drew me here was that I generally feel

NYC Restaurants With The Meanest Service
So here’s the thing – when I go out to eat in New York City, I’m going because I am a lazy human who hates people but still wants to be treated nicely. Sound accurate? Good, because that sums up a good chunk of New Yorkers – we’re jerks, but

Broke-Ass Stuart Needs YOUR Help to Grow Up!!
I’ve launched an indiegogo campaign to raise money to help grow to its full potential. Please go here to donate and make sure to read all the perks, especially the ones starting at $2,000 because they are hilarious! You can read all about why I’m doing this below. Thank you for your love and support.