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Tipping While Black – The Struggles of a Black Barman
I tip because I’m a part of this industry, but more importantly I tip because I’m Black. It’s a lose-lose at times because I’ll have the urgent need to make sure that I leave a good impression…

Why You Should Fuck a Writer
Fuck a writer because he can make you hard or wet just by typing. Kiss him because he can turn a one night stand into a life defining poem. A weekend fling into a highly praised novella. A short love affair into a best selling book…

DIY: Five Easy Bottle Cap Crafts
Rat Fink Bottle Cap Charm by VixenVendetta It makes sense that the DIY-ers and the Environmentalists get along ‘“ both are founded on a founding principle of reuse, recycle, renew. DIY is less about compost and sustainable food and more about finding a new uses for things, or repurposing items

Reasons Why Your Tinder Profile is Horrible
I’m posting my profile to give you the option of making fun of me back. If this is the first time you’re hearing about Tinder, I promise it won’t be the last, especially if I have your phone number. About a month ago I accidentally pushed the wrong button and

5 Ways to Kill Cockroaches on the Cheap
“What is…? Kill it! Wait, is it dragging my tennis racket?!” Growing up, I’d never seen a cockroach. When I moved to NYC, a few fellows warned of these critters, telling fables about the roaches flying, eating through concrete…and dragging tennis rackets. I’d snicker. I don’t snicker anymore. After a

6 Ways to Spice Up Your Sex Life Without Spending a Cent
I’m gonna put it right out there: Me and my guy, we know how to get down. But it wasn’t always that way. There was a time when we hadn’t found our groove, when he lacked experience (he went directly from high school to the military and remained in the