
Harry Potter Written in a Scottish Brogue is Fantastic
Somethings in life are objectively delightful. “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stane (Scots Language Edition)” is one of those things. Writer and poet Mathew Fitt has ‘Traslatit” the book “intae Scots” as he puts it, and if you’ve ever heard a Scottish brogue in your life, reading some of Harry

So Your Hero is a Monster: Dealing with Disillusionment
By Hannah Harkness My Facebook feed lit up early last week with the familiar sight of my friends learning that their hero isn’t who they thought they were. This time around, it was Glenn Danzig. He defended Trump’s travel ban and said that Planned Parenthood shouldn’t be selling baby parts

Australians Furious Over Movie Where a Guy Bangs Other Guy with Didgeridoo
By Jonas Barnes A guy fucked another guy on film with a didgeridoo, and Australia is pissed off. Now I want you to read that sentence again, slowly, and savor all of the mental flavor profiles you’re getting out of it. Swish it around in your brain like a

When a Pro-Trump Rally Happens in a Small Liberal Town
By Rebecca Rush If you have never been to a Trump protest with both sides rallying, I can sum the whole thing up for you in five words: Facebook comments come to life. If you’d like to know more, read on. New London is a magical place on the shoreline of

Why Police Hiring Practices Create Violence
It’s an unavoidable topic. Turn on the news on any given day and there’s a questionable police shooting or police using excessive force. It seems as commonplace as the daily weather report. The first few times were shocking, but we are beginning to grow numb to the idea that the

PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: Exploit the Nuclear Threat To Get Laid!
? GIRLS! / WOMEN! ? Is there a guy (or girl) you have on your mind who you love having sex with, but for whatever reason you just haven’t been lately? No matter what coast you live on (especially you LA vixens), USE THE NUCLEAR THREAT TO GET SOMEONE TO SLEEP

Two NYC Comics Breakdown the Whitewashing of the Ghost In The Shell Movie
On March 31st the internationally celebrated media franchise known as Mobile Armored Riot Police in Japan, finally makes it’s big screen debut in the states. The highly anticipated film adaptation of Ghost In The Shell – named after the subtitle of the first serialized classic anime novel – is expected