Adult Swim

05 May 2017

Nerdlesque: Comic Book Themed Strip Tease

By: Hannah Harkness What do Spock, GladOS, Carl Sagan, Hermione, the cast of the Venture Brothers, Finn, Poison Ivy, Sailor Moon, Magneto, Krodos/Kang, Tank Girl, Wonder Woman, Pennywise, Loki, a Storm Trooper, Daria, Delirium, and Silent Hill nurses have in common? I have personally witnessed a striptease act based on all

Guest Writer 0
11 Jun 2009

FREE Music @ Adult Swim Presents @ Santos Party House

I woke up hella early today because I’m house sitting and the cats are unbearable.  Not only do I need to give the 16 year old sack of bones a 50 ml IV drip of saline solution daily, but I also need to wipe her post-shit ass to prevent skidmarks