The Heartbreaking Ways COVID is Impacting Food Service Workers
In 2018, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) estimated that the food service industry employed 5.4 million workers. That number was almost certainly higher at the start of 2020, but has greatly diminished since restaurants, bars, cafes, caterers, and school lunch programs across the country have reduced service or

The Great American Sesh In: An Online Weed, Music & Art Fest to Fight COVID
Well 4/20 is almost here but due to COVID, there won’t be any big stoney celebration in Golden Gate Park this year. While I imagine there will be a lot of streaming things going on for the holiday, including the rad deals and events Urbana has planned, the biggest happening that

Burning Man is Officially Cancelled
Any other year that headline might seem like some kind of satirical article like “Burning Man is totally cancelled because it’s not as cool as it used to be.” But I assure you this is no joke. Burning Man, the legendary weeklong festival in the Black Rock Desert has been

California COVID Peak Expected April 15, New Cases Still Rising
The San Francisco Bay Area has seen a slight but steady, increase in the number of COVID-19 patients over the last week. According the numbers reported by John Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center, on April 2nd there were 2,495 total confirmed COVID-19 cases across all 6 Bay Area counties, 7 days

It Took the World Getting Sick for America to Realize What a Lot of Us Already Knew
Guest Post by KATE HARVESTON Countries like New Zealand (1939), the United Kingdom (1948), Sweden (1955) and Norway (1956) began putting together national health systems many decades ago. Yet, the U.S. has remained steadfastly determined to stick to its for-profit health care model. But at what cost? COVID-19, the new coronavirus,

Bay Area Curve Stays Flattened, UCSF ER Stays Quiet
As confirmed cases of COVID-19 surge in other cities in the US, the Bay Area is experiencing an incredibly low rate of new cases by comparison. For example, as of March 30th, New York City has 33,768 confirmed COVID-19 cases while San Francisco has 340 confirmed cases. John Hopkins University

Kill Your Ego Before It Kills Someone Else
by Hannah Harkness Hey there, you down in the dark! Thank you for taking the time from your long fictional sports conversation with the stick figure you painted on the wall of your rented apartment to read my article. Personally, I’ve been in a basement room of my apartment I