dating apps

21 Apr 2017

Tinder Abroad: Online Dating “Digital Nomads”

By: Rebecca Rush The American imagination has a stereotype of sailors tattooed onto it. Vagabonds with a girl in every port, protecting our nation as they seduce the locals. There’s a new kind of “sailor” afoot, and while they might not be employed by any government, their modus operandi is the

Guest Writer 0
23 Jan 2017

The Epidemic Of The “Opinionated” Girl

I am a woman. I have life experience and curiosity, and aspirations, and sexual desires, and an unbelievable amount of resilience. I have no need to ever be validated by any other person; man or woman. Now that that’s established, there is one thing that’s been burning inside of me

Penelope Hernandez 0
22 Aug 2014

This question was posed to me recently: How many dating sites are there out in the interwebs? Answer: WAY TOO MANY!

Jay H - Bawdy Broadcaster 0