
Absinthe Isn’t Special and You Aren’t Special for Drinking It
by Xan Holbrook I see you there. You’re twirling your Hercule Poirot ‘stache, adjusting your pince-nez specs and drinking espresso from a cup so small you hold it with tweezers. Sitting there, in your Fort Greene café, keeping an eye on the Penny-Farthing you rode here on. Watching the world

Cap d’Agde- The World’s Completely Naked City
by Kate Brunotts Nudists, rejoice! Cap d’Agde, oftentimes coined “the naked city”, is more than welcoming of tourists – In fact, they rely on it. The naturist community builds a great deal of their infrastructure from tourism, and it is such a part of everyday life that many of the

Wine PSA: “Butt Chugging” – Don’t Do It.
Hey kids! I thought we might have a little heart to heart before you go out and paint the town red this weekend. It’ll only take a minute, I promise. I want to talk to you about … well, butt chugging. Specifically, butt chugging wine. Apparently, it’s popular with you young

Free (Quality!) Languages Classes from the BBC
Sometimes after watching the delightfully charming movie “Amelie” or eating a chocolate croissant, I take a few minutes to dream a little dream in which I am bicycling around Paris without a care in the world, admiring its twinkilng lights with Nutella dripping down my little excited face. But then