free open bar

05 Dec 2011

“Reyka Presents: Iceland Wants to Buy You a Drink” Open Bar Tonight

Open bars are the adult equivalent of being a kid in a candy store -albeit a boozy, occasionally overcrowded candy store. But, after you maneuver your way through the fray, and finally get your hands on an ice-cold free drink (maybe two if you double-fist it to optimize the open

Tiara Francis - NY Know-it-all 0
25 Jan 2011

Open House at Village Pourhouse Tomorrow Night

Like you need one more reason to drink too much on a weekday, but here it is anyway: Signpost – a site dedicated to cultivating local deals for your social and financial wellbeing – will host a one-hour open bar at Village Pourhouse on Weds., Jan. 26, from 7 to

Mikey Rox - Cut-Rate Copywriter 0