
The Careful, Calculated Ways Crisis Pregnancy Centers Hurt Women
by Kate Brunotts In May of this year, Alabama passed a bill gravely restricting reproductive rights coined The Human Life Protection Act. Under this law, any doctor who performs an abortion in cases outside of rape or incest is subject to Class A felony charges, equating to a prison sentence

This Organization Teaches Women How To Run For Office And How To Win
We’ve all imagined that if we were politicians things would be different, right? They’d be better. But, let’s be honest, do you know how to get on the ballot? How to raise money? How to draft legislation? There’s a reason why so many politicians hold the same office for years.

After Kavanaugh, Only Women Can Save Us Now
By Trish Nelson It’s official. On October 6th, we placed a shotgun beer drinking guy named “Brett” onto the Supreme Court to serve as an impartial judiciary advisor for The United States of America until presumably, around the year 2050. As we’ve come to understand, Brett is the perfect flesh

The Problem of Lowered Expectations
What happens when you’re taught to lower your expectations? What happens when, from the earliest age, you are taught by your collective society to minimize both yourself and the things that you want for yourself? This is what you end up with: A woman is beaten every 9 seconds on

How to Talk to Women Without Harassing Them
How to Talk to Women Without Harassing Them: Guidelines for Well-Intentioned Men Guest post by Genie Carter Recently, I was at Powell station looking up the Muni and Bart times on my phone and trying to quickly figure out which one to take home, and a man came up to

8 Empowering Quotes from History’s Most Forward Women
International Women’s Day is a time to reflect on all the strides women made throughout history all over the globe. While us ladies have achieved some amazing feats there are still so many to accomplish. Today is a day to be a loud and proud female. Here are some of

Professional Drinking Advice For Women Thanks To The CDC
While the rest of us were screwing around with all that Chipotle nonsense, the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention, otherwise known as the CDC, were launching its latest ad campaign geared towards women and fetal alcohol syndrome. Unfortunately it read more like a fundamentalist Christian attack on your vagina,