FREE Vibrators! FREE Beer! FREE Ice Cream! And More!

This is either ice cream or a vibrator - we're not sure.
Yupyupyup. You’ve read that correct. Who knew that you’d wake up today and find out that all your dreams were about to come true. Courtesy of your Fairy Godmother, er.. Good Vibrations: “the Pop-up Dildo Shop and Ice Cream Social.”
From 3-5PM today (Sunday), Fifty24SF Art Gallery will be transformed into a sex talk, comedy romp, dance party with PBR and Three Twins Ice Cream with a pillow fight thrown in for good measure.
The fine print:
* Bring a pillow to sit upon and be one of the first twenty five people to arrive (with said pillow) for Dr. Carol Queen‘s Sex Toy Workshop, and you will receive your very own FREE mini-vibrator. This pillow will also serve you well later in the day for an in-house pillow fight.
* Bring dead batteries to recycle to receive a FREE scoop of Three Twins ice cream.
* Bring your penchant for FREE PBR. Because it will be there and you can drink it.
* Bring your laughing pants and your dancing shoes for there will be comedy by Will Franken and music by the band Female Trouble.
I always knew a lot could happen in just 2 hours in the Lower Haight. But I hadn’t even fathomed this.
Event is FREE, but please RSVP on Facebook.
Sponsors: FuncheapSF, Noise Pop, Good Vibrations, Three Twins Organic Ice Cream, and PBR.
Pop-up Dildo Shop and Ice Cream Social
Fifty24SF Art Gallery
218 Fillmore Street (@ Haight St.) [Lower Haight]
Sunday, Feb. 13th 3-5pm
FREE sex toys, FREE ice cream, FREE beer, FREE comedy, FREE music, FREE pillow fighting