Cheer On Healthcare Workers From Your Doorstep Tonight

A woman in Vancouver cheering on healthcare workers from her balcony. Photo from Coast Mountain News
Yesterday my birthday twin, Silvi from The Poetry Store, sent this my way and I just had to share it with you because it’s awesome.
Tonight (Friday 3/27) at 7pm San Franciscans will be standing at their front doors or windows cheering for the healthcare workers who are risking their lives to save ours. Awesome right?
According to the Facebook invite Silvi sent me, this was inspired by a nightly tradition that’s happening in Vancouver during their shelter in place.
Here’s the text from the invite:
This is a grassroots campaign to get everyone in San Francisco to stand by their front door or open window on Friday, March 27th, 2020 @ 7pm and start cheering and applauding our healthcare workers to offer them a small amount of gratitude for everything they’re doing for us.
Please spread the word so we can show out healthcare workers some serious love.