Forever Renting Riss

Entertaining for the Poor as F*ck: How to Have a Kick-Ass, Broke-Ass Independence Day!
St. Patrick and Mr. De Mayo have fun holidays named after them, but at some point we have to acknowledge that we as a nation are guilty of using cultural appropriation (ie: Miley Cyrus) as a reason to get blitzed on a weekday. Shame on all of you: you need

Entertaining for the Poor as F*ck: Making Awesome $10 dinners
I’ll let you in on a little secret: I eat a lot of raw vegetables, not because I’m doing a raw-cleanse, but because I’m lazy. Just. So. Lazy. I suffer from an illness known as “hangry” (hungry + angry). Symptoms include eating humane portions throughout the day until I arrive

Entertaining for the Poor as F*ck: Cheap gifts for Father’s Day
A still from last year’s Thanksgiving Unless he went out for cigarettes and never came back, your dad is one of the top five most important people in your life (somewhere in the mix with mom, Elvis, and Nicholas Cage). Have you ever heard the maxim, “I brought you into

Entertaining for the Poor as F*ck: Doing Memorial Day Cheap as F*ck!
Murica! Did you know that most people don’t know the difference between Memorial Day and Veterans Day? Including your author? Memorial Day honors the men and women who died for our country. Veterans Day celebrates all service men and women, living and otherwise (dead, Marissa. Say “dead”). Got that straight?

Entertaining for the Poor as F*ck: The Best $5 Red Wines
My second love is wine (second only to food). Oh, wine: you beautiful muse. I adore thee. A while back my parents decided to do a Sideways-inspired family vacation (I think that movie affected us all): we went all up and down wine country. A little pinot, a little syrah, the drunkest

Entertaining for the Poor as F**K: Awesome Cheap Mother’s Day Gifts
I am the Elvis Presley of gift-giving. Once a friend told me a story about how her parents chucked her Addam’s Family board game because they feared it was a bad influence on her younger brother. You better believe I found the very same board game on eBay and gave

Entertaining for the Poor as F**K: Broke-o de Mayo
I love a reason to drink. Antioxidants? Pour me another glass of Pinot. Whiskey prevents cancer? ‘Scuse me while I finish this Jameson smoothie. Your wife left you? What a bitch. Let’s make sangria (I make great sangria). Having a reason to drink is part of what makes America great