New Shit

Shameless SF Promoter uses Cultural Appropriation for ‘Thanksgiving Party’
A club in North Beach called ‘Carbon‘, is using a bikini-clad white lady in a native headdress to promote their pre-thanksgiving party. Their Eventbrite and facebook event pages say things like: “This time around the theme is Thanksgiving Pre Party!!! Free tequila Patron and Aguardiente shots before 11:00pm!” Obviously, there

Dreamforce Traffic Maps & Infographics
It’s Dreamfoce 2019! An entire week of corporate events, corporate networking parties, and high priced celebrity speeches clustered in the heart of San Francisco! Which is great if you flew here from Phoenix to hear Marc Benioff’s speak about ‘sales synergy’, but very unfortunate if you live here and just

Art Activists Change Trump Jr.’s Book Title to ‘Daddy, Please Love Me’
Sometimes art activism is the only reason I still have faith in democracy. Two comedians in NYC trolled Donald Trump Jr. in an ingenious way this week, by replacing the jackets on his new book ‘Triggered’ in an NYC Barnes and Nobles. The new title: ‘Daddy, Please Love Me: How

All About the BART McMuffin Protests
Muni may have those cornball dad-joke signs about proper backpack etiquette and standing away from the doors to facilitate ingress and egress, but it’s BART’s rules and regs that have made the news since last Friday. The saga began last Monday, when a BART police officer with the badge name

All The Good Halloween Parties Happening in SF
Halloween is a holiday tailor-made for San Franciscans. It’s a celebration that gives adults a perfectly good excuse to wear costumes and go to several parties, with the added bonus of making the Church nervous. Just because SF has the lowest percentage of kids of any major U.S. city, doesn’t

‘Catch Me if you Can’ Restaurateurs Blow Town Owing Everyone Money
The two ‘Catch me if You Can’ con men who came into San Francisco this past Spring and rented out 3 separate restaurant spaces on Church Street, are gone. One is in police custody, the other is at large. We’re writing this article not just because it’s a fascinating story,

‘Catch Me if you Can’ Restauranteurs Blow Town Owing Everyone Money
The two ‘Catch me if You Can’ con men who came into San Francisco this past Spring and rented out 3 separate restaurant spaces on Church Street, are gone. One is in police custody, the other is at large. We’re writing this article not just because it’s a fascinating story,