san francisco latest

A Heart-On for New York
I was walking through Dolores Park on one of those unbelievable 70 degree days that San Francisco was blessed with last week. Despite it being January, it felt like May. Gay men were sunbathing in speedos up on the hill, families from Noe Valley were comparing strollers, dogs were humping each other,

Cheap but not easy: A night with Stuart and the Intern
As an ode to his resolutions and to not be a jerk to his intern any longer, Stuart has proposed a weekly rendevous with yours truly. Whether it’s going to check out somewhere new, getting some beers or catching a show, we’re going out and blogging the findings. Think of it

Humphry Slocombe — A Mouthful of Twisted Goodness!
If you live in the Mission or are there a lot, you know 24th Street is the next big spot. First it was Divis, then Polk and now 24th Street is getting a gentrified, hipster makeover. Phat Philly has found a great home near Mission street, and I hear their
Want some free food with your drink?
Just thought I’d let all you San Francisco people know that, during the day on weekends, the bar Delirium (16th St. near Valencia) gives out free BBQ. All you gotta do is buy a drink. I know some of you like to spend your Sundays getting drunk, and I just thought you might want

Free Devil Makes Three show in Berkeley
During one of the best periods of my live I was living in the attic above Cafe Pergolesi in Santa Cruz. The cafe was in the center of town and I was a young, single college kid more concerned with partying and getting laid than studying and getting A’s. Luckily for me

Holy shit this sounds amazing!!!
Wanna go to an all night psychedelic circus party in a secret, multi-floored 19th century brothel? Then please, by all means, keep reading. It happens this Friday night: This is an all night, one-of-a-kind interactive experience inside a giant multi-floored 19th century brothel in the east bay. This brothel has a full psychedelic Casino

Shopping Guide from the Intern
Whether you kids [and the economy] like it or not, “the holidays” are coming. Even if Steve Jobs thinks he can play Santa and cancel the big day, that sleigh is still pulling up in the 25th and you’re going to have to get in the mood sooner or later!