American Healthcare

03 Apr 2020

It Took the World Getting Sick for America to Realize What a Lot of Us Already Knew

Guest Post by KATE HARVESTON Countries like New Zealand (1939), the United Kingdom (1948), Sweden (1955) and Norway (1956) began putting together national health systems many decades ago. Yet, the U.S. has remained steadfastly determined to stick to its for-profit health care model. But at what cost? COVID-19, the new coronavirus,

Guest Writer 0
22 Jul 2018

Why America’s Healthcare Model Is So Inferior

America spends 17% of its GDP on healthcare, which is over 50% higher than the next two developed nations Taiwan and Switzerland which are 11% of GDP. The financial metrics are only one part of looking at the input and outcomes of the health-care system, one must factor in availability,