Broke-Ass Mayor

RIP Mayor Ed Lee, My Sometimes Nemesis
When the alarm went off this morning I looked at my phone and saw I had eight texts, all from a variety of unconnected people. Considering my birthday is in four days, my first thought in that foggy, not quite awake state was “is it my birthday?” I looked at

This is Why San Francisco is Such a Magical Place
San Francisco is a special place. A place where we never leave the house without layers. Where it’s normal to call in sick to work because it’s finally 80 degrees and you want to drink a beer in the park. A place where most adults have costume boxes and where

A Documentary Following Stuart Schuffman on the Campaign Trail
Noemi Zeigler and her crew are documenting my run for Mayor of San Francisco. They’ve gotten some footage of myself and my team over the past few months and done some interviews. Below is the first episode in the documentary series about my run for mayor.

San Francisco Has Been Complacent About Corruption for Too Long
We’ve gotten complacent in San Francisco. Sure we’ve got the nation’s highest minimum wage. Sure we fought for marriage equality and won. Sure we had universal healthcare before nearly every other city in the US. But the same way the Bush administration used social issues to justify turning the country

It’s Time to Start Rolling Out My Campaign Platform
Since I officially announced that I was running for mayor the main question everyone has been asking me is “So, what’s your platform?” because that’s what you’re supposed to ask. The thing that most people don’t get though is that platforms are rolled out throughout a campaign. Like, what’s Hillary Clinton’s platform?

Broke-Ass for Mayor Part 4: So Much Paper Work
This column was supposed to be in the SF Examiner a few weeks ago, but when I took out my papers I received a stern lecture from the San Francisco Ethics Commission about how I couldn’t write about my experiences as a candidate for the paper without falling foul of campaign finance laws. While