Hawaiian shirts

25 Jul 2012

Embarrassing Things That Psychics Have Told Me

When you’re trying to figure your life out and workin’ hard and struggling to Rise to the Top and all of that good stuff, things can get a little… desperate.  So desperate, in fact, that you might feel the need to seek out some spiritual guidance.  No, no, no.  I

Carrie Laven - Pretty Penniless 0
13 Jun 2012

Coming to Terms with Your Daddy Issues

Okay, actually, I mean my daddy issues.  And I don’t mean all of that psychological hoo-ha about abandonment and male authority figures or whatever.  I’m talking about having the hots for guys in khakis and Hawaiian shirts.  As soon as I see a strapping twentysomething in the same outfit that

Carrie Laven - Pretty Penniless 0