
What Do Centennials Say About Living Such Long Lives?
by Limus Woods Recently, on February 24th, 2020, the world’s oldest man died. His name was Mr. Chitetsu Watanabe, he was from Japan, and he’d lived to be 112 years old. I was like “Damn! Do I even wanna live that long??” I guess if I had a good life

When Not Finding a Job Makes You Feel Like a Loser
Being an adult is difficult. Paying for stuff is becoming increasingly difficult. Your job, if you’ve managed to find one, is a joke and you’re still broke. I might just be paraphrasing a line from the theme song to Friends, but it’s terrifyingly accurate if you’ve recently graduated college and

Dear SF & LA: Shut Up And Hug It Out
Shhh. Stop whining. Let’s all eat burritos on a beach, together. “Blah blah blah, TRAFFIC, blah blah blah SUPERFICIALITY! REALITY SHOW REJECTS!” is what I constantly hear from San Francisco citizens about my current residency in LA. “Yackity shmackity, ZILLIONAIRE TECH ASSHOLES! PRICE OF RENT!” is what I hear about

What Does It Mean to be Broke?
At the moment, I have enough money to get by. That means I can survive on the bare minimum. Over the last 27 years of my life, money has come and gone, mimicking life’s peaks and valleys. And just like life, I won’t complain about its ups and downs because

What It Means To Be Alive In Today’s World
Like many New Yorkers, I came to the city with whimsy in my heart and little to my name. Echoing the sentiments of the somewhat psychedelic title sequence for children’s show Reading Rainbow, I said to myself, I can go anywhere. I can be anything. I floated through the wind