
Love is NOT Blind (According to Science)
by Laurie Riihimaki It’s no big shocker that the modern dating world totally blows. Over the past decade, social media and dating apps have become a necessary evil in the pursuit of love. And singles are feeling more desperate than ever as they swipe left on Tinder, scroll down Facebook

Love Isn’t Just a Feeling: It’s Literally a Drug
by Kate Brunotts With celebrity hookups breaking major headlines and the constant pressure to couple up and settle down, it’s hard to escape the crush culture. There’s no doubt about it; we are collectively obsessed with relationships and love, but our fascination may be more rooted in our biology than

Totally Reasonable Excuses to Make for Men Who Leave You on “Read”
by Laurie Riihimaki Alright, let’s get real for a sec. There are a few reasons why we make up excuses for men when they ignore our texts. Firstly, we never want to admit that our dream-fuck is ignoring our texts. Like, even if we know our worth, have our shit

Wildlife, Dining, & Romance at Sea Ranch, CA
It was our 2nd anniversary, Taco Bell was resting in our pickled stomachs, our President didn’t know the difference between a hyphen or an apostrophe with the waters of impeachment rising, and we were in love. My girlfriend and I were too busy to go far, so we decided to

Love in the Time of Housing Crisis
This originally appeared in my Broke-Ass City column for the San Francisco Examiner San Francisco is a wonderful place to fall in love. Sure, Paris might be the “City of Love,” but anyone who calls it that has never walked up Columbus Avenue, arm in arm with their sweetheart, as

Fumbly Nights and Foggy Mornings: Love & Lust in the Modern World
This originally appeared in SF Sounds. When you’ve been in San Francisco or Oakland for awhile, it’s almost impossible to date someone who hasn’t fucked somebody you know. Like it or not our fingerprints are all over each other’s lives. Our histories are tangled up in each other’s sheets. Our

All the Many Things I’m Thankful for This Year
Part of this appeared in my Broke-Ass City column last year. I’ve changed a little and updated some things. It’s been a couple really hard years. We’ve seen a man who represents all that is wrong with humanity take over as President of the United States. We’ve seen his administration