
30 Dec 2019

The New York Times Is Trolling SF and California Again and it’s Garbage

The New York Times positively lives to troll San Francisco. Sometimes, it’s a prurient examination of the lives of people who rummage through trash for a living, as if that yields valuable insights about us. Other times, it’s about how dirty streets are apparently unique to this city. Still other times,

Peter-Astrid Kane 0
07 Jan 2019

How to Report Street Poop in SF so it Gets Cleaned Up

Guest Post by: Alan Smithee As former mayoral candidate and resident Editor-in-Cheap Stuart Schuffman once observed, “There’s a lot of poop on our streets.” There’s even a poop map of San Francisco. It’s an ongoing crisis of humanitarian proportions, with over 10,000 homeless people in our city and far too few places

Guest Writer 0
22 Nov 2017

How To Take A Sh!t At Thanksgiving Dinner

The inevitable, unpleasant side effect of your fabulous friends-or-family Thanksgiving feast is that you will at some point have to bust an enormous dook. Pooping at a public gathering and in a shared restroom is generally a mortifying exercise, made worse by the fact that everyone who uses that bathroom

Joe Kukura- Millionaire in Training 0
11 Jul 2014

Guerrilla Water Conservation Tips for Broke-Asses

It’s time to go medieval on this California water crisis. Some feds say California is just 2 years away from running out of water, a few rural towns are almost out of drinking water already. At this rate people will start fucking dying, then Chevron will step in and start

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0