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Win Two Tickets to BB King + Blind Boys of Alabama @ Mountain Winery!
“[At 88-years-old], Riley B. King was born on September 16, 1925, on a cotton plantation in Itta Bene, just outside the Mississippi delta town of Indianola. He used to play on the corner of Church and Second Street for dimes and would sometimes play in as many as four

Win Tickets To See: Sharon Jones + The Dap Kings
“While many artists have come and gone, why have Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings only continued to grow steadily in popularity around the world? How can they continue to sell-out huge theaters, headline festivals, and sell hundreds of thousands of records year after year with neither major label support nor a

Win Two Tickets To Flavor Tripping Party – Hosted by UpOut!
What is flavor tripping? Miracle fruit is what flavor tripping is all about. It’s not a drug, it’s a natural fruit that contains an enzyme that makes all sour taste sweet. So eat lemons, limes, vinegar and other sour foods! They’ll temporarily taste surprisingly sweet. Lemons and limes taste like the

Win Two Tickets To See Trombone Shorty @ Mountain Winery!
Troy “Trombone Shorty” Andrews describes his music as supafunkrock. It’s definitely funky, but it’s also influenced by rock and has some R&B elements, thanks to his co-producer and Oakland native, Rafael Saadiq. Andrews says that “not only does Saadiq co-produce, but he becomes a member of the band, playing a variety of

Win Tickets: Lynyrd Skynyrd @ The Warfield!
If you ENTER BELOW you will be rockin’ out at The Warfield to a band that has been enthusiastically dredding playing their hit that makes us all want to go out and buy a Harley, Freebird, for 40-years! That’s what their photos tell us, anyway. Or, you can buy the tickets, they start

Win Two Tickets: Aaron Neville + Dr. John @ Mountain Winery!
Win tickets to a special New Orleans themed night at the Mountain Winery as Aaron Neville shares the stage with Dr. John and the Nite Trippers. The New Orleans suspects will also be performing, with a DJ set by Harry Duncan. There will be themed specials on the Chateau

Win Tickets: First City Festival featuring Beck, The National and Many More!
Well doesn’t this sound awesome? The First City Festival just announced its lineup and it’s pretty fricking sweet! There’s three music stages featuring such great acts as Beck, The National, The Naked and Famous, Best Coast and way more! Plus there’s a Vaudeville variety stage and a full carnival, complete with rides and